Vision and Mission

The strategic values and objectives

Vision and Mission

Education at Tasneem Junior School is about self confidence, challenge and enjoyment. It teaches the importance of constructive questioning and a sense of responsibility with compassion, confidence and creativity.

Our Mission

Quality education with respect for individual differences

Our Vission

Every child is gifted differently so we give opportunity and tools that enable our infants to acquire and own knowledge skills necessary to upright individual and society (Better vision is required)
To be a first class dual curriculum school that empower pupils to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practise the core values of the school: respect, tolerance, inclusion, and excellence.

Our values at TJSN

Tasneeem Juniour school Nsangi has in place a set of core values that underpin the vision of the school. The values are unique to our school in that they have been developed by parents, staff and pupils, however, they are all linked through their direct relationship to the required international standards.